I have a really hard time seeing children suffer. As much as I love helping where I can make a difference, I question if I could ever be involved in an Organization where children are abandoned or abused.
It would break my heart!
I’ve heard of some of those Organizations in Africa trying to save little children from starvation and/or abductions and my emotions take over and I only want to cry. I don’t think I could go on with my life ever being the same if I witnessed it.
I wouldn’t be able to walk away from a child if I didn’t think someone else would be there to protect it.
I know this suffering is out there and I'm afraid of the day I will meet it face to face.
As long as I'm in my little bubble in America I probably won't see it, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
I get ANGRY when I see children suffering. Even looking at pictures my emotions get the better of me.
I cry. I cry because they deserve to be loved.
I want to fix it.
I admire Mother Teresa. She was amazing. I wonder how she did it though. How did she wake up each morning with love still in her heart when all she witnessed was sorrow?
I don't think I'm strong enough inside to keep from going into depression.
The thing I love about Rising Star is I see suffering, but I see so much LOVE. I don’t see anger, abuse, or abandonment in the children. They are in good hands, everyday. Even though they are from leprosy afflicted families they will have a bright future, thanks to Rising Star. This is an Organization that works. Good things are happening in the children’s lives. I am so thankful to be involved with them.
I know every penny donated to Rising Star Outreach is going toward improving the leprosy afflicted. I feel so much better about donating money when I KNOW it's being used the right way.
There is NO wondering with Rising Star. It's wonderful.
I would like to hold a scared child and let them FEEL what safty feels like.
I would like to hold a sick baby to let them feel the power of human touch.
I would like to hold a hungry baby and fill them up with love.
And I know the day I do I will cry all the while I'm doing it.
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