School Day

Today I spent some time at the Rising Star Outreach school.  Things are different than the last time I was here.  The major change is the new uniforms they wear.  They turned blue!

They are also required to wear belts, ties, and shoes unlike last year.  The reason is to help them focus at school by dressing in a professional way.  The volunteers are also asked to wear more formal clothes while in the school.

 I happened to walk pass a classroom singing their morning prayer.  It was so sweet.  They must speak English during school hours. Their cute little accents are adorable.

 I fell asleep on the cement during an orientation outside last night. I can't say that I have done that before.  I love my sleep but this was rediculous.  I missed the entire presentation then stumbled to bed right after it was over.  I slept so well, and it was welcomed too. 
5am rolled around and I was wide eyed and bushy tailed.  6:30am I went on a walk with my camera.  It was a cool morning.  In fact, the weather this time of year is perfect.  It's not HOT.  Most days there is a slight breeze.  I've been here in the middle of summer so this feels great!
Here are some things I saw:

My appetite kicked in today.  I finally felt hungry.  The bad thing is the dinner is always rice and their rice doesn't sit well with me.  I get terrible stomach pains!!  After I eat it feels like I have rocks inside my belly.  I did an experiment and discovered if I only eat a little bit of rice I can get by. 
India is beautiful.  I never put my camera down.


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